Evening Programs
Bunk Nights
Bunk Nights are planned and run by the counselors of each bunch for the campers of said bunk. One of the most important aspects of bunk nights are that the campers have an opportunity to bond with their closest friends in a unique way. Bunk nights typically are filled with laughter and silliness that truly exemplify what it means to be a camper at CSL.
Village Nights
On village nights, our counselor’s creativity shines! Designed especially for the campers in their village, a committee of staff members create meaningful and fun programs for the entire village to participate in. These special programs allow older campers in a village to take on leadership opportunities and for the younger campers to learn and play with older campers in a low stakes environment. Some popular past village nights include: treasure hunts, Pitch Perfect Night, stargazing, and more.
Program Unit Programs
Program Unit Programs, or PUPs, are an opportunity for cross-village programming. Older villages will join younger villages for a variety of activities that allow for campers to learn from each other and form lasting bonds. Past PUPs include Game of Thrones, The Towne Color War, and Man Hunt.
A favorite PUP amongst our campers is the Big/Little Program. Campers in Cayuga and Onondaga are paired with a big brother or sister from Tuscarora, who will serve as their friend and mentor throughout the session. There are specific evening programs that brothers and sisters will do together, as well as designated meals throughout the week where they get to eat as a family. As Tuscarorans continue on at camp, many get the chance to be a counselor for a camper that used to be their little brother or sister!
All-Camp Programs
Several times each session, we take the opportunity to come together as a camp community for a shared programming experience. Each summer, our programming team works to create new all-camp program experiences. Some all-camp programs from previous summers include CampStock, Fightsong, and more! ACP’s are designed to encourage teamwork, build sportsmanship, challenge campers in new ways, and promote whimsy and fun!
Learn More about our Signature Programs