Dear Parents,

Carpenters build chairs. Computer engineers build websites. Entrepreneurs build businesses. We build people. When a camper leaves camp, they walk out a better version of themselves. Camp is a special place where children are not judged or assessed on their academic, athletic, or performance ability. Rather, it is a place where kids are celebrated for who they are and discover what makes them special. It is a place where kids can make mistakes, step out of their comfort zone, and challenge their preconceived notions about who they are and what they can accomplish. 

At Camp Seneca Lake, campers get the firsthand experience of trying new activities, meeting new people, and going through the process of trial-and-error.  We build people who accelerate their growth and development through multiple stimuli at once. We develop a schedule that allows them to go to each activity area at least once per session. Additionally, our campers have multiple opportunities to decide what activities they want to do. By delving deep into their passions, interests, and aspirations, we inspire them to challenge themselves.

Some of the world’s most famous entrepreneurs went to Jewish overnight summer camp (e.g. Mark Cuban), and draw on those meaningful experiences every day. They build their business and their life around relationships.  Relationships are the driving force of what we do. We build a community of unique individuals who are connected across generations simply because they went to Camp Seneca Lake.

We look forward to welcoming your camper into our community this summer.

Thank you for trusting us with your most valuable possession.


The Camp Seneca Lake Team